Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Marble Room Series introduces... Jessica Anne!

Jessica Anne 

Jessica Anne has made the Neo Futurist ensemble her creative home since 2006. As a writer/performer/director she has rotated in and out of the late night smash, Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind (30 plays in 60 minutes), collaborated on several full length productions, and worked as a teacher. She is currently an MFA Creative Writing candidate at Roosevelt University. Jessica has also worked with The Hypocrites, The Paper Machete, and The Drinking and Writing Theatre Brewery.Forthcoming Jessica Anne performances include a contestant in The Miss Neo Pageant and an artist in the Beerfly Alley Fight.

Check her out June 16th @ The Parlor @ 4pm!

The Parlor
1434 N. Western Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622

RSVP here!


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